Monday, 24 September 2012

3D Scanning App for the iPhone

One article from the online science and technology news, Singularity Hub, of significance to the future digital patient caught our attention this month (15th) - a 3D scanning app for the iPhone.  Although the real cleverness of the digital patient will lie in its potential for high performance computing, for most of the public however, it will only really be appreciated in its visuals and accessibility.  These two points are crucial if the program is to get widespread uptake (as was the case with PCs).  3D scanning is of course, one of the core component technologies that the digital patient program will have to have, but today, it is still very much a "professional's art" (partly because of the price).  However, as 3D scanning comes down to iPhones (and presumably, it's only a matter of time before the technology makes it to android devices), the price is surely going to come down and accessibility will conversely go up.

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